Disaster and Emergency Information


Disaster Guide

Download the Kyoto Prefectural International Center’s Disaster Guide, a 16-page guide available in nine languages and simple Japanese.

English   Simple Japanese

For the other languages

Bosai Saigai Hakubutsukan (disaster damage prevention museum)

What are the very basic things you should know for when an earthquake strikes?
Find out by downloading the guide – available in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Portuguese.

Disaster response explained in easy illustrations

“Disaster Preparedness Procedures”
Malay, French, English, Spanish, Japanese

Thai, Portuguese, English, Persian, and Japanese

Korean, Chinese, English, Tagalog, and Japanese

Disaster and Emergency Information

Information regarding how to contact the police and fire departments; what to do during natural disasters like earthquakes, typhoons, heavy snow; guidance for fire, crime, and traffic accidents; procedures for if you lose your passport or Alien Registration Card; and a list of contact information is detailed below.

CLAIR: http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengorev/en/p/index.html

Emergency calls

110 for the police

To report traffic accidents or crimes to the police, dial 110. 


If possible, tell the operator when and where and what happened as precisely as you can, along with your name, address and phone number.

Police of Kyoto Multilingual call center
*For English,Chinese,Korean,Spanish,Portuguese
  Available 24 hours a day 
* For the other languages (Thai, Filipino etc.)

119 for the fire station  : Fire and Ambulance

To report a fire or call an ambulance, dial 119. When the operator answers, specify if it's a fire or if you need an ambulance.

Kyoto City have a multilingual translation service for calls to the fire department.
(English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese)
Kyoto City Fire Department


Phrases to remember:
Kaji-desu ― “It's a fire”
Kyu-kyu-desu ― “An ambulance, please”
Tell the operator where it is happening precisely along with your name and contact number and/or address. Ambulances are strictly for emergencies only ― do not call one when you can go to a hospital on your own.

If you lose your passport

Have the police create an identification certificate, then apply to your home country’s consulate or embassy.
List of embassies and consulate in Japan:
http://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/over/index.html(Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

If your Residence Card has been lost or stolen

Immigration Bureau

Ministry of Justice


Kyoto Prefectural International Center
3F East Bldg. Kyoto Terrsa,70 Higashikujo shimotonoda-cho,Minami-ku,Kyoto
Open / 10:00-18:00
Closed /Tuesdays, National holidays, 12/29-1/3
TEL : 075-681-2500 / FAX : 075-681-2508